Black Excellence at McAuliffe

At McAuliffe International, we continue to place our black and brown students as a priority. We want them to know we see and hear them as leaders in our community, school and with their peers. Our black students will continue to have a known voice in our culture, our curriculum, and our classes. We will continue celebrating culture and diversity within our school and within our curriculum. As leaders, we will NOT fail them and continue to allow our students to challenge us to be better in making sure we are providing spaces for black excellence in our MIS community.

During the 22-23 school year at MIS, our students will continue to engage in multicultural events and celebrations. We will have facilitated groups for students, led by students around being antiracist, social justice, and culture. Our students will have the opportunity to attend several afterschool programs such as Black and Brown Student Alliance, Brown Girl Dreaming, and other groups targeting our black and brown student experience. Many of our students will also have the opportunity to take a new elective class that is based on Social Justice, activism, community service and more. We lift up our black and brown students and continue and we are committed to dismantling racist structures, and creating anti-racist policies and actions that ensure high levels of success in the learning lives of our black students.

Check out some of our Black History displays at McAuliffe.