McAuliffe International offers multiple ways to stay in touch with your student’s information and school experience. Please make use of the following tools to stay connected, including our weekly email newsletter andwebsite, Parent Portal, and your student’s work binder. See more details below about each.
McAuliffe sends out a weekly email newsletter every Thursday throughout the school year to all our families to share recent activities, upcoming events, reminders, and more. This is our primary means of communicating the most up-to-date information to all families, and we encourage parents to read each issue.
Not receiving our newsletters? At the beginning of August, we add all our new parents/guardians to our newsletter subscriber list. If you find you are not receiving these newsletters we encourage you to check your spam box or see if your email program is sorting our newsletters into a spam or ‘promotions’ folder. Adding us to your contact list should take care of this problem. Has your email address changed? Contact to let us know your new address.
Every month, please join us virtually for Coffee & Community (previously First Friday Coffee) at 9:30am. Hosted by our Dean of Operations, Sherry Beardshear and Community Liasion, Michelle Moore, this is a chance to learn about upcoming school events, how to get involved, hear from different staff members and students, and socialize with other parents.
Download Digital Deets – the mobile app to help keep you informed. Not only is this a mobile app, but it is also a web-based application. Meaning, you can elect to receive notifications on your phone or computer (or both!). If you have any questions please contact Laura Thompson.
Here is how you can sign-up:
The Parent Portal is the best way to monitor your student’s grades and attendance, as well as access resources including MySchoolBucks, Transportation and more! Sign-in or sign-up here!
Parent Portal navigation help:
If you need support with Parent Portal please contact Laura Thompson.
McAuliffe is proud to be one of the first schools in the district to allow access to Schoology to their parents. Teachers will be using Schoology to post their classroom instructional materials, provide a safe forum for discussion, and assign and collect homework electronically. Additionally, Schoology makes it easy for parents/guardians to stay involved in their children’s education including school and class announcements. At this time parents can now gain access to their student’s account through Parent Portal. Please see the below links for information on how to access your student’s account.
We appreciate your patience as we as a staff, district, and community roll out this new system.
Students also keep their work in organized binders that help them stay current in their class work and which their Advisory teachers check on a regular basis. If you would like to ask your student more about their school work or a particular class, please invite them to share this with you. Your student’s online work may be viewed via their Google Apps for Education account (see below).
DPS recently launched Google Apps for Education for any school in the district wishing to use these online productivity, communication and collaboration tools. Google Apps for Education includes a district email account for each student, online file storage, the tools to create documents and presentations, plus the ability to collaborate on these documents with each other and their teachers. This education-focused version of Google Apps does not include ad feeds, and DPS filters for bad language. Incoming students are taught how to log in at Their account and username is their six digit student ID @ All middle and high school students are required by DPS to log into their Student Portal account first to change their password from the default, which automatically resets their Google password to the same; this step is needed in order to access Google Apps from any mobile device such as an iPad. The district recommends using the Chrome browser for use with Google Apps for Education.