Tours for prospective families will begin in October. Tour sign-ups will be posted in mid-September.

Brian Duwe




Brian Duwe, Ph.D., has been a Principal in Aurora, Colorado for 10 years.  Both Principalships have been in turnaround situations. His leadership has led to significant improvements in student academic growth, achievement and culture, as well as staff retention and development.  Brian’s areas of expertise are in strategic planning, systems development and leadership development.  Brian serves as a coach for new Principals through the Colorado Department of Education’s Principal Leadership Institute.  He also consults with the University of Virginia’s Partners for Leaders in Education, working with several school districts across the country. He has presented at Colorado Association of School Executive’s Winter Session on Distributive Leadership, as well as NASSP’s Ignite Conference and is published in their journal. Brian has a bachelor’s degree in Special Education from the University of Northern Iowa, as well as Master’s degree in Education Leadership.  He has his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Denver. Brian is married with two children.  His wife, Samantha is an Instructional Coordinator for Science & STEM in the Aurora Public Schools.  His daughter, Ryann is in 8th grade at the Denver Green School, and his son, Rainer is in 5th grade at Westerly Creek Elementary.