Tours for prospective families will begin in October. Tour sign-ups will be posted in mid-September.

Eddie Egloff

Visual Arts


Teachers & Staff

Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, I can proudly claim the title of “Denver Native”.

As a graduate of Children’s Garden Montessori School, I entered the Denver Public School system and attended Bromwell Elementary, Morey Middle School, and East High School. I obtained my undergraduate degree from Metropolitan State University and completed my Master’s Degree at Lesley University.

I began my teaching career in the Cherry Creek School System at West Middle School, after a brief move to Las Vegas, I accepted the positions of P.E teacher, Athletic Director, and Dean of Students at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Denver’s Park Hill. I left Blessed Sacrament to accept the position of Visual Arts Teacher at William Roberts K-8 in 2014. I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to join McAuliffe International School. My partner, Tracy Shoneman, and I share five children between us. I have three boys, Payton and Tanner both attend the University of Colorado and Cooper attends East High School. Tracy has two children, Siena who is also at University of Colorado and Caden who attends Arizona State University.  I enjoy most all sports, The Office, travel, and most of all our children and extended family.