DPS Prep League

See our Athletics Overview and more information about our Club Sports + Intramurals and athletics policies and forms.

Any questions regarding McAuliffe Prep Sports, please contact Natalie Barrios Marquez, n_barrios-marquez@dpsk12.net.

All student athletes will need to have a current physical on file and complete registration before they can participate in tryouts, practices, or games. Link to – Physical Form (Eng) Physical Form – (Esp)

DPS Prep League Seasons

Registration for each season opens up about 3-4 weeks prior to the start of the season.

Early Fall – 9/3/202 – 10/19/2024 – Baseball, Cross Country, and Girls Soccer

Fall – 10/21/2024 – 12/14/2024 – Girls Flag Football and Boys Flag Football (6-8, but 50 spots for grade 6)

Winter – 1/7/2025 – 2/22/2025 – Girls Volleyball (7th and 8th Grade Only) and Boys Volleyball

Early Spring – 2/18/2025 – 4/12/2025 – Girls Basketball and Boys Basketball

Spring – 4/7/2025 – 5/17/2025 – Boys Soccer and Softball

24-25 Prep Game Schedules – Live Link for all Prep Sports

Late Spring Prep Sports – Updated 3/12

Our late spring  prep league sports season is now open. The district athletics office has changed the registration deadline to Tuesday, March 18th at 6pm. Below, you will find the information you need to sign-up. This season, we will be offering boys soccer and girls softball. There will be one team for girls softball 6-8, and one team for boys soccer 6-8. Tryout dates will be released by Wednesday, March 19th .

To tryout, parents/guardians will need to:

  1. Complete the registration in Arbiter – this is new, and all families MUST  register here 

     McAuliffe Late Spring Prep Sports Registration

  1. You will complete everything within Arbiter – upload your athletes physical, and complete payment. 
    • If your child doesn’t make a team, you will receive a refund.
  2. You must submit your completed registration with your student’s valid physical and payment for your student to be on the tryout list, they can’t participate until these have been uploaded and registration has been completed. You will receive a confirmation email from Arbiter once you submit the registration. 
  3. New to Arbiter? See this Arbiter step by step guide for parents.

The deadline to register for Late Spring Prep Sports is Tues, 3/18 at 6:00pm. There are no exceptions to the deadline as registration will close in Arbiter. 

Tryout dates: TBD

Due to the mass influx of emails, I don’t send confirmation emails on physicals or the sign-up forms. I apologize for the inconvenience, I just don’t have the time. 

Tryouts for early spring sports are competitive. Coaches will be selecting players based on their skill level. Cuts will be made at the discretion of the coaching staff. I will also be reviewing all students academic standings prior to tryouts. If your student has seven or more missing assignments, they are ineligible to play. We will let them try out, but that information will be provided to the coaches, and will be an automatic cut. Your player must attend each day of their scheduled day of tryouts to be considered for the team. The exception to this is if your player got approval from the coach in advance of the tryouts. A no show on the scheduled tryout day is an automatic cut. 

If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Barrios at n_barrios-marquez@dpsk12.net. 

Early Spring Season Dates: 2/18/2025-4/12/2025 – Girls Softball and Boys Soccer